In the example below the sex of the Mediate and Remote faces are deduced by reading the vertical and horizontal pairs of numerals from the Immediate point on the Immediate face. The rule which Russell establishes here is that if the Immediate number is less than the second number, the directional component face is Male. If the Immediate number is greater than the second number, the directional component is Female. In this example, the vertical crystals 3 & 1 are seen. The Immediate #3 is greater than 1 thus the Mediate face is Female. The horizontal crystals show that 3 is less than 7 so the Remote face is Male.

As shown below, using this same rule, if the difference between the Immediate number and second number is 1, the directional component face is Salt. If the difference is 2, the component face is Quicksilver. And if the difference is 4, the face is Sulphur. Using these two rules we can now determine the sex and principal of the Mediate and Remote faces.

The only remaining principal to determine is the Immediate face. Since the Mediate and Remote faces are identified as Male Salt (Y) and Male Sulphur (A) respectively, the only principal which remains is Quicksilver. The aiding rule in classifying the sex of the Immediate face is this: All Immediate faces contain either the #1 or #8. If it is 1, it is Male; if 8 it is Female. Since 1 appears on the Immediate face we have Male Quicksilver (I).

These rules of the astral toperm apply equally to both the Concave and Convex Tablocks.