Before determining the posture of the Immediate face, first identify the astral toperm by examining the vertical & horizontal crystals for the Mediate & Remote faces. In the picture below the vertical is 1-5, Male Sulphur (X=A) ; the horizontal is 1-2, Male Salt (Q=Y). The Immediate face contains the #1, thus Male Quicksilver (J=I) is deduced. The astral toperm then is 351.

Once the astral toperm is set, the next step is to apply Russell's two-part rule for its posture. The first part is this: If the vertical component is less than the horizontal, the posture is vertical; if the horizontal is the lesser, the posture is horizontal. This rule is demonstrated in the picture below. In this case the Remote face is the lesser of the two hence the posture is horizontal.

Once the direction of the posture has been set, the second part of the rule is applied: A vertical component with 1 or 4 as its number is Averse, with 2 or 3 it is Upright; a horizontal component with 1 or 4 as its number is Prone, with 2 or 3 it is Supine. This is illustrated below. In this picture the vertical face is the lesser of the two so the posture is vertical and the Mediate number is 2 thus Upright.

The posture rule for the astral toperm is shown graphically in the diagram below.

As before, these rules of the astral toperm apply to both the Convex and Concave Tablocks.