First published in The Occult Digest, November 1932
The Ritual of the Flaming Star . . .
By C. F. Russell
THE FIGURE and symbology of the
five-fold star or pentagram is familiar
to most students of magick and
occultism. Drawn properly its sides are
equal and the five points equidistant from
the center so that a perfect circle may he
circumscribed about the figure through
these five points, which will divide the
circumference of that circle into five equal
arcs. This provides a geometrical problem, which may not be easy to solve, but
it is not likely that one who could not
solve it would possess enough intelligence
to get very far in the development of
clairvoyant or magical powers. In actual
practice the making of the star is
a work of art and exercises the artistic
faculty of the operator. Invoking often
is the key to success. (1) Stand erect in the center of the
room and touch the forehead with
the right thumb placed between the
index and medius and say ATEH
(which means "Unto Thee"). (2) Then touch the breast and say MALKUTH
(the Kingdom). (3) Touching the right shoulder, say VE
GEBURAH (and the Power). (4) Touching the left shoulder, say VE
GEDULAH (and the Glory). (5) Grasp the hands upon the breast,
say LE OLAHM, AMEN (to the
Ages, Amen). (6) Now turn to the North, using the
right thumb placed as described
above, make the Averse Pentagram
of EARTH. Then vibrate the
following words, prolonging or
chanting it ARO ELOHIM (which
means Powers of EARTH). (7) Now turn to the West, make the
Averse Pentagram of WATER.
Vibrate MIM ELOHIM (Powers
of WATER). (8) Turn to the East, make the Averse
Pentagram of AIR. Vibrate RUACH ELOHIM (Powers of
AIR). (9 ) Turn to the South, Make the
Averse Pentagram of FIRE. Vibrate ASH ELOHIM (Powers of
FIRE). (10) Turn again to the West, extend the
arms straight out from the shoulders
so that you stand in the form
of a cross and say, chanting On
my right hand the Bull, Before me
the Dragon, Behind me the Man,
On my left hand the Lion. For
about me flames the Pentagram and
in the column stands the six-rayed
Star. (11) Repeat (1) to (5) inclusive, which
is called the Qabalistic Cross.
Each point of the star has an elementary
attribution. The star may be placed in
an upright position or upside down in
what is called the averse position. In the
upright star the topmost point belongs
to Light or Akasa, commonly referred to
as Spirit. Then the upper right hand
point is attributed to Water; the left upper
point to Air; the right lower point
to Fire and the left lower point to Earth.
To determine the points of the Averse
Star simply write the above attributions
against the points in the Upright, then
turn it upside down keeping it always on
the same plane, a two-dimensional plane,
for the Astral (Starry) Plane has only
two dimensions. It would therefore be a
mistake to use a third dimension while
inverting the figure of the pentagram.
The pentagram is drawn in front of you
in the air as though on a wall before you,
or on a plane perpendicular to the floor
and ceiling of the room and parallel to
the vertical plane in which you are standing.
You do not touch any part of your
body while drawing it. If you were drawing
it on the wall itself your wand would
at no time leave the surface of the wall.
Thus you make five straight lines unicursally from point to point until you return
to the starting point.
There are two directions which may be
used in making the star. One is to draw
it Deosil or dextro-rotary, as the hands
of a clock move, around to the right, sun-wise;
the other is to draw it Widdershins
in the contrary direction, to the left. If
you want to summons a force begin at the
point which is attributed to the force and
draw the star Deosil. Thus to summons
the Elementary Force of Fire, called in
occult science, a Salamander, if you use
the Upright Star, begin at the lower right
hand point and make five straight lines
continuously from point to point in the
following order: Fire, Air, Water, Earth,
Spirit and return to Fire. To banish the
Salamander reverse the procedure thus Fire,
Spirit, Earth, Water, Air and return
to Fire.
Man being a microcosm his whole being
has the same constitution as that of the
universe. The elements present in external
nature are the same as those within
the magical being of man. The process
of dealing with external powers is called
invocation and that of dealing with internal
powers is called evocation. For the
rites of invocation we use the Upright
Pentagram, for those of evocation we use
the Averse Pentagram. In the former case
we deal with the Upper or Supernal Gods
and Powers; in the latter we deal with
the Lower or Infernal Forces. The operator
must he careful, however, not to attach
any moral significance to these terms,
for it is a matter of direction only. Both
good and evil lie in both directions, no
more so in one than in the other. Evil
appears and frightens us only because we
meet something which we are as yet unprepared
to face. When we have perfected
ourselves and prepared ourselves for any
given ordeal what we meet is always to
us good, true and beautiful. Fear arises
from knowledge of our own weakness and
unpreparedness to cope with the circumstance.
What you are in your soul is
exactly what you have made yourself
either in this or other lives. As long as
you remain in the temple of the body
which has been built for you to dwell in
by cosmic forces you are protected. When
you leave that body or temple there remains
nothing to curb the inclinations,
passions and tendencies which you have
acquired and unless they are already balanced and function in harmony with the
universal trend you will find yourself in
trouble. You will then find yourself in
a very painful predicament which is simply
the effect of the practical criticism of
your self-made structure by the powers
that be. They automatically work to rub
off your rough corners and reform you.
Unless you have the courage to learn the
lessons they teach and the will to reform
yourself and correct your mistakes, it is
better not to pass the Threshold.
Your soul is separated from your body
at death and also in sleep. The Threshold
between sleeping and waking is the same
as that between life and death and that
between the material and the spiritual
worlds. The Initiate crosses this Threshold
before the death of his physical body and
his sleep becomes illuminated and he is
conscious of what goes on there just as
the ordinary person knows what his senses
reveal while he is awake. The Pentagram
symbolises the actuality which while we
are awake culminates in the Light we have
from the Sun; in sleep the Averse Pentagram
is at work and the Flaming Star
which burns at the core of our being illuminates
the Pathway of the Initiate. But
whatever is exists whether we are conscious
of the fact or not. The clairvoyance
which perceives occult forces does
not create them. The methods of willing,
feeling and thinking which cause spiritual
progress and equip us to endure the ordeals
are generally known to all and consist
simply in obedience to moral law and
the voice of conscience. The methods which
result in clairvoyance are particularly
known only to those who enter a School
of Initiation. Clairvoyance is not necessary
to spiritual progress, but those who
wish to become Masters or Adepts can do
so and those who find this desire in them
should begin at once to fulfill it.
As long as we continue to go about in
our daily lives in the ordinary ways to
which external circumstances have accustomed
us we can never become clairvoyant . But the moment we begin to
aspire and do begin to do something
extraordinary that is different from custom,
we plant the seed which will in time
flourish and bear fruit.
Our sleep will remain dark and obscure
as long as we allow external circumstances to govern us. To begin making
it bright in spots and intelligible we must
determine to take our destiny into our own
hands. The method is simply and easy.
Set apart a few minutes each day and
during that time act, think and feel in
a manner quite distinct from the ordinary.
Take a short holiday period each day
and banish from your mind all the
thoughts and emotions, worries and problems
which usually occupy your attention
and concentrate exclusively on something
quite disconnected from your routine life.
It does not especially matter what it is
that you choose to occupy yourself with
during this holy period. In schools of
Initiation the Candidate is given something
quite definite, but those who have
not yet enrolled themselves in such a
school can select something for themselves.
One person might occupy himself with
exercising the muscles of his fingers; another
might strive to control his breathing
and bring it completely under the
sway of his volition; another might enflame
himself in prayer to obtain the
Knowledge and Conversation of his own
you choose to do let it be done right
do not for one second permit yourself
to slide back into habitual ways of acting,
thinking and feeling. During this sacramental
period do exactly what you will,
surpass your ordinary self and put forth
the best that you have within you. Actually
be master of yourself. Set apart each
day a short period of time and make it a
perfect talisman. It will become like an
oasis in the desert from which you can
constantly draw forth spiritual nourishment
and stimulation. It will act like yeast
to leaven the whole of your life. And the
rythm of this procedure will rest and recreate
you. A short ceremony is one of
the best ways of concentrating the attention
on something quite different from
daily affairs. Use of that given below will serve the purpose even if you do it only in
your imagination or mentally.