First published in The Occult Digest, August 1930
By C. F. Russell
IN THE May issue of the Occult
Digest, under the title, VIENS, it
was stated that of the Occult Orders
on this planet the greater number are
not going ahead, but are acting from
or in a position made immovable by
the obstacles which keep them apart
from each other. Before they can help
forward the Illumination of the world
they must break down the barriers
which separate one another at the
same time as a body and as bodies attaining
to a higher degree of Initiation.
Last month, in the article styled
for bodies and the members thereof,
was shown to be identical with the
Wayfarer, whose Goal and Staff are
the very same thing. The creation of
a new instrument for the construction
of the Temple of Solomon the King
coincides only with destruction of individuality
of the aspirant as the Veil
is torn asunder and the white-robed
one enters the Sanctum Sanctorum.
This series of essays is concluded by
an account of what any man or woman
of the world must do to be saved.
The primal prerequisite is the
Magical Link with the Masters. This
is formally established by joining the
church, a body of devout persons, professing
a common creed, and having a
communal aim, which may be expressed
variously but is one and the
same for each and every religion under
the sun, namely, Union with God. Now
the kind of Heaven one reaches is obviously
determined by the spiritual
dispensation granted to the particular
church of which one becomes an integral
part. A logical forecast of the
finish is found in the promises made to
the novice by the wardens in the licit
pact signed by both parties to the bargain.
The contract is binding, caveat
emptor! The safest choice for the
earnest but uninformed seeker of
Light is that Lodge which pledges the
least, or nothing at all, whose propagandism
is all but inaudible, whose
portal is encurtained by a dark, perhaps
sinister, shroud. Inasmuch as all
that remains of its head, or Chief
Adept, is a little pile of dust which
only waits the moment when it shall
be burnt to ashes, the true House of
God is not encompassed with a blaze
of glory.
Invariably the quester finds and is
received by that Order which is best
equipped to assume the responsibility
attached to his karma, just as water
always seeks its level. Inevitably your
karma either drags you down or else
lifts you up to a plane where exists an
Order whose specific function is to
properly handle your case. Being accepted,
your next duty is to obey. Unswerving
obedience, with or without
intellectual discernment, to the letter
of the tenets taught you and the discipline
dealt you is your only means of
deliverance from the devils who will
dart suddenly upon you the instant
you place a foot upon the path to
Freedom. Let your motto be "perinde
ac cadaver". Remember that in disobeying
your superior you merely commence
a conflict between two wills in
yourself, the one the vow girding you
and your goal, the other a temporary
temptation. If you are so weak as to
waive your right to the royal throne
in favor of the wicked wish to assert
your asinine independence then you
may confidently expect the schism to
smash you and split you into pieces,
each one a morsel in the mouths of the
fiends merrily frolicking around you.
If your teacher orders you to jump
over a cliff, do so without question;
you will find this course to be the line
of least resistance in getting to the
bottom of your difficulties.
If you are acting in good faith and
not feigning, a fact easily ascertained
from your reaction to the test of
fidelity, you will very soon learn that
your greatest enemy is yourself. For
the Grade you then possess the formula
of Initiation consists of what is usually
termed an Infernal Rite, that of
the Slain God or King, identical with
the chief ceremony observed in all external
religions, whose office is to
mould the astral vehicle of the human
race. Since many volumes have been
compiled to illustrate and prove this
point there is no need to enlarge upon
it here. The Canon of the Mass is a
distinguished extant example of this
ritual; note also the plot of the dramas
enacted by all the famous saviours of
mankind. The essential principle is
that you must conquer by love under
will the magical being, your own self,
known as the Sphinx, through mastery
of Her four weapons, the Pantacle, the
Sword, the Cup, and the Wand.
"There are four gates to one palace,
the floor of that palace is of silver and
gold; lapis-lazuli and jasper are there;
and all rare scents; jasmine and rose,
and the emblems of death." Let the
candidate "enter in turn or at once
the four gates; let him stand on the
floor of that palace; will he not sink?"
Ah! there are four ecstasies which reward
the successful knight. But the
joy of triumph is no part of him who
would open the Eye of Shiva, All
these ecstasies must be refused, he
must wrestle with the aroused and consecrated
Kundalini, declaring his real
purpose to solve the riddle of the
Further description of this process
is wasting metaphors. There is no
use offering advice concerning advanced
tasks to those who have yet to
undertake the preliminary operations.
Fatal misconceptions are thus bred in
the minds of beginners, causing their
imaginations to run riot. The Dhyana
of an elementary type which results
from taking the first steps, poisoned
by the fruit of a little knowledge, inflates
what is merely the ego; the aspirant
gets a swelled-head and believes
he has arrived at the end of his
journey, to his subsequent dismay and
bitter disillusionment. By far the best
policy is that adopted by the greatest
Initiators, who in all their dealings
with their pupils maintain utter silence
with regard to what lies beyond the
immediate experience and present need
of the worker. Thus are we quite
logically and irresistibly brought to
the final portion of the formula which
confers Initiation.
In order to secure your heart's fondest
desire, the longing of the scarlet
heart girt with the emerald serpent,
four things only are paramount. First,
the magical link with the Masters; second,
the oath of obedience with its
fulfilment in the forging of the elemental weapons to conquer the
Sphinx; third, the eucharistic use of
these forces to render the Body of
Light strong enough to penetrate all
barriers; and fourth, the final mastery
of all these powers dissolving yourself
with the Sphinx in that fifth ecstasy,
which is not ecstasy and has no expression,
not even in the word which
seals the accomplishment of the