First published in The Cosmic Dawn, October 1930
Hell and Heaven
By C. F. Russell
THERE is nothing that would delight
and surprise the average clergyman
so much as to discover that the
teachings of his ancient Bible were
literally true. But he has long surrendered
that belief, so that it would be perhaps impossible
to find anywhere an educated person
in or out of the clergy who believes in the
story of Genesis. Yet the initiated person
knows that when correctly translated the account
of the beginning given in the Bible,
although it is brief and does not go into
detail, is nevertheless literally true. By this
I do not mean that one must be an adept
in the Holy Qabalah to interpret BRAShITh
aright. All that is necessary is to know the
Hebrew language and translate as one would
any other historical document, finding out
what its author means to say and not, as has
been done, twisting the sense so as to make a
book of theological and political propaganda. III Gen., 1, 4-5; 8-14; 18-19; 22-24.Thus the story of the Fall as given in
Genesis is as follows: "And the Whisperer
(NoHHoSH, a suggester, sorcerer, serpent)
was more intelligent (GHoRVooM) than any
living thing (HHYaH, animal of life) of the
field (surface of the earth) which Jehovah
of Powers made. * * * And the Whisperer
said to the woman: "No dying shall ye die;
for Powers knows that in the day of your
eating from it your eyes shall become seeing
and ye shall become like Powers knowers
of good (perfect things) and evil (imperfect things)." * * * And the eyes of both of them
opened and they knew that they were all-knowers
(GHaRVOOMeeIM, plural of GHoRVooM;
they had become "serpents," "cyclops"). * * * And they heard the voice of Jehovah of Powers going about in the breeze
of the day, and the Earth-Being and his woman
hid themselves from the presence of
Jehovah of Powers in the midst of the Tree
of the Garden. And Jehovah of Powers
called to the Earth-Being and said: 'Where
thus?' and he said: 'Thy voice I have heard
in the garden and I feared because I am an
all-knower (GHIRouM or GHoRVouM, the
words are pronounced alike) ; and so I hid
myself.' And He said: 'Who told thee thou
shouldst become an all-knower (GHoRVouM)? If, from the tree which I bade thee
not to eat from it, hast thou eaten?' And the
Earth-Being said: 'The woman thou hast
given me, she gave me from the tree and I
ate.' And Jehovah of Powers said to the woman:
'What is this thou hast done?' And the
woman said: 'The Whisperer deceived me and
I ate.' And Jehovah of Powers said to the
Whisperer: 'Because thou hast done this,
cursed thou art above all animals (BHeMoH)
and above every living thing (HHYaH) of
the field; on thy belly shalt thou go (belly-wards,
impelled by hunger; he shall starve
in Hell, where there is nothing but feces)
and feces (GHoPHoR, dirt) shalt thou eat all
the days of thy life.' And unto the Earth-Being
he said * * * 'Cursed is the Earth for
thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat (from)
her all the days of thy life. And thorns and
thistles shall she cause to grow up for thee,
and thou shalt eat the vegetation of the field
(surface of the Earth). With the sweat of
thy face shalt thou eat bread until (the time
of) thy returning into (the center of) the
Earth, for from her thou wast taken (as an
infant) ; for (now) feces (GHoPHoR, dirt)
thou art and into feces shalt thou (i.e. thy
body) at last be changed (return) . ' * * *
And Jehovah of Powers said: 'Behold the
Earth-Being! He became like one of Us for
knowing good and evil! Now lest he put
forth his hand and take also from the Tree
of Lives and shall have eaten (i.e. continue
to eat) and live unto the World's age!" And
Jehovah of Powers sent him away from the
Garden of Eden to cultivate the Earth from
which (as an infant) he was taken. And he
drove out the Earth-Being and he caused the
cherubim to dwell at the beginning (center)
of the Garden of Eden, and the flame of the
self-turning sword to watch the way of the
Tree of Lives."
There is knowledge and power of knowing
forbidden to man, which is acquired by eating
of a certain geoplasmic substance which
grows on the Tree of Knowledge (Tree of
All-Seeds). This Fruit is the pail of water
that Jack and Jill sent up the Hill to fetch,
which stimulates latent possibilities of structural
growth. The reason why Jack broke
his Crown (Kether) is because He fell down. Like Esau he traded his birthright for a mess
of pottage at the instigation of the Devil. The
Fall was not the result of his crime, but was
the crime itself which caused the subsequent
degradation and degeneration of the White
Race. Had it not been for the flood which
destroyed with intelligent and selective discrimination
all the cities of the Titans, they
would have succeeded in exterminating the
White Race and Hell would now be on the
Earth instead of inside of it. The Devil
does not want the human race to attain apotheosis. But the vantage ground He gained
when Adam made his great mistake was not
sufficient to secure mankind's everlasting punishment,
for the Wisdom of the Trinity is exercised
for Good not Evil, and a way was
provided whereby Man can attain Perfection,
through the Incarnation of the Second Person
of the Trinity in the descendant of the Man
whose body was created for that purpose.
The Devil has free-will, but His will incarnates
the spirit of Perversity. The moral
character of the act which arouses the Kundalini
inevitably rules over the structure of
the offspring engendered by the act. Thus
in arousing the vaso-motor intelligence, the
sleepless intelligence, the "Evil-eye," the
"All-seeing Eye," the "Unpaired eye," clairvoyance,
which rules over the vital functions
of the body, the race-parents had also communicated
to it the moral character of the
act which aroused it, and this character forever
afterwards rules in the vaso-motor system,
in the very cells of the bodies, of all
their descendants. The real personality of
man is the personality of the cerebrum, memory; consequently, the spirit of evil which
found place in the vaso-motor system is
perpetually suggesting to us a series of acts
and motives consistent with its own nature,
so that the "spontaneous" impulses of our
natures are slightly at variance with our reason.
But the act of Adam was not an act
of malice, so that the inclination transmitted
to us is not total depravity, but the inclination
to venial sin.
In each one of us, in the cerebellum, the
seat of reason, Jehovah of Powers, has placed
a Holy Guardian Angel, who is stronger than
the Demon placed by Satan in the Sympathetic
system. Our safety lies in obeying the
voice of the Angel and refusing to yield to
the hypnotic suggestions of the Demon which
would lead us slowly but surely to damnation.
Modernism does not help us in this respect. Hell is not simply a state of mind,
but a real, definitely located place, namely
the coecum of the Earth, the "Place of the
Skull," Niflhel, where all those unfortunate
enough to go there remain the helpless prey
of the infernal monsters, "the worms who die
not," hideous, starved animals, possessed of
a deformed but majestic intelligence, spawned
by the Devil with the aid of His Daughter,
who seek to satisfy their famine by sucking
out from the bodies of the damned, by a
wound made in the heart, the whitish or yellowish
pus which circulates in them as blood.
The bodies of these infernal scorpions, hydras,
are made of feces and not of flesh and
blood (VI Ephesians, 12). Their only food
is the feces which has passed through innumerable
bodies, or "venom troughs," before it
reaches those who are at the bottom of the
Pit, where it falls as a fuming acid into the
pool, the "Lake of fire and brimstone which
forms over the roots of the Tree of Life which
will in time compel the Earth to expel the
infernal animals from Niflhel by way of the
South Pole or anus of the Earth. They will
appear on the surface of the Earth and, rushing
from their point of exit, produce among
living men a desolation equal to that which
occurred at the time of the Deluge. Among
these animals there are some possessed of
enormous intellectual power who are responsible
for the greater part of the so-called
"occult" phenomena.
I hope this picture revealing somewhat of
the nature of Hell will not prove too strong
for the stomachs of my readers. It is one
which really deserves a place in the spiritual
exercises of Ignatius and should be preached
from every pulpit.
In every true system of Initiation the Candidate
is taught above all things to practice
what are commonly called virtues. Therein
lies the only salvation of Mankind as a
whole. But the esoteric teaching is something
vastly more effective, and when the
short cut is divulged to the aspirant, he or
she perceives exactly where the Devil secures
his strongest hold whereby he retards the development
and Apotheosis of the Race. This
short cut is never revealed to anyone who
cannot pass the preliminary Ordeals, for it is
the Elixir of Life and Immortality and must
be bestowed on those who are worthy in the
deepest sense of that term. Unless a man or
woman is willing to and actually does devote
his or her life to the whole-souled service of Humanity, one cannot possibly escape becoming
a Black Brother, a Parasite on the Universe,
and a missionary of the Kingdom of
Perversion, for in Hell everything is exactly
in inverse relation to that which prevails in
Heaven. Instead of Man being the highest
of the creatures he is there the very lowest.
The first step for every man and every
woman is to obtain the Knowledge and Conversation
of ones own Holy Guardian Angel.
From that point on one possesses an infallible
Guide who will conduct one to the highest
pinnacle of Initiation. This is the Great
Work which will end only with the Apotheosis,
the Perfection of the Ultimate Particles,
those infinitesimal points of jet black which
burn in every heart of man and in the core
of every star.
The true Path which leads to the Crown
was also known to the Hebrews and was
mapped by the Hierophants and called OTz
ChIIM, that beautiful and perfect system of
Grades, which is identical with the degrees
in the genuine Rosecrucian Fraternity. Yogis
and Theosophical students are familiar
with this Way which has been taught them by
the Adepts who have learned it from the Akashic
Records There it is symbolized by the
evolution of the world and humanity through
the different planetary periods. All religions
aim at the same thing.
All true systems of Initiation bring about
the same results. The Great Work is one, and
the Initiation is one, and the Reward is one,
however diverse are the symbols wherein the
Unutterable is clothed. But if we would
avoid the fate of Prometheus as expressed in
the exoteric interpretation of the legend, we
must take no step on this Path except with
our hands grasping firmly those of our weaker
brethren with the thought of helping them
uppermost in our minds.