Each of these particular sort of rational cradles explained thus far are constructed by first determining the three principal faces which constitute the 0, d & dD positions, or what are normally designated as the No. 1, 2 & 3 places on our male tablock. Once the three exact faces are determined, we begin with a minor turn (d) followed by a major turn (D or W) and the remaining positions for this species of Integral Closed Astralit become apparent by continuing through the rest of its sequence as previously shown. The posture scheme for these minor turn cradles are deduced by the following rule: Vertical postures (Upright & Averse) remain the same from the male to female side of the rational cradle, while the horizontal postures (Prone & Supine) are reflected from the male to female side of the cradle. Understanding of this "reflection" of Prone to Supine, or vice versa, is easily grasped by making a double major turn of either sort on the tablock (D2 or W2), which reverses the horizontal postures but leaves the verticals unchanged. To demonstrate, begin an Integral Closed Astralit with a minor deosil (d) turn using Prone O Vex as the idemfactor or 0 position:

This type of posture rule is also fully shown in the rational cradle below. Note the reflective change in the horizontal postures from male to female side in the cradle.

As shown above, there are two kinds of posture sequences for any Integral Closed Astralit. One for the male side of the rational cradle, which is Probite (U P A S) and another for the cradle's female side, which is Rebite (U S A P). Probite and Rebite postures may begin at any of the four possible positions and continue in the sequence. Thus, the Probite permutations are: UPAS, PASU, ASUP and SUPA. While the Rebite perms are: USAP, SAPU, APUS and PUSA. From this we can deduce the Male-Probite / Female-Rebite associations for this kind of rational cradle.

Observe in the above illustrations that the vowels of the tablock run through their four postures on the male side and simply change sex for the female side. Also note how this moves widdershins around the immediate point of the first face on the male side and changes to deosil around the mediate point of the first face for the female side of the cradle. See the example below in relation to the rational cradle above.

As an additional exercise, construct a Rational Cradle for the Integral Closed Astralit beginning with Averse A Vex =No. 9 (1234) then make a w turn to No. 16 (2648) and then a W to No. 17 (4837).